Quarantine has radically changed the way we communicate, with a lot of people fully switching to doing it online. To some it seemed a depressing time of stagnation with virtual dates. To others, it was a welcome exhalation from the conventional framework and the beginning of creativity. During this period, everyone went through several stages of acceptance, ranging from despair, unprecedented enthusiasm, to simple acceptance of the situation. Despite this, many people probably learned some lessons about dating druing this time.
Lockdown made me take a fresh look at the dating industry, which started playing by new rules: either you meet online, or you do not meet at all. Now, instead of dressing up and going to the bar for a blind date, we just clear the backdrop of a bunch of clothes before a video call. We had to master the art of dating from a distance and getting close without breaking the 2-meter gap. Honestly, we deserve at least a round of applause for that.
So here are 5 lessons in “pandemic dating” that I learned over the last year:
There are no limits
This year we spent more time at home than ever before. Many of us have taken a hard look at our desires and relationship needs, and that is a definite plus. As for me, I became a kind of explorer wandering the new world of datin’. People like me have been able to learn more about themselves and become willing to abandon common stereotypes when looking for a partner. Nowadays, people don’t limit their search to their “type” and are happy to meet all kinds of people.
Less physical contact, more emotional intimacy
The fact that we can’t meet in real life has greatly increased the importance of the period before the first date. In my experience with dating apps, I can tell that people are really enjoying the long chats and making a deeper connection. And you realize that the phrase “Tell me about your first childhood memory” is a hundred times cuter than just “Do you want to go somewhere and have a drink?”.
Pajama time is now on the rise
At-home dating has also helped me shed the shackles of the dressy look, arm myself with pajamas and “natural beauty.” Now I realize that we don’t have to dress to kill every time to make a good impression. People in 2021 put comfort and honesty above all else – and something tells me that the trend of relaxed dating is with us for the long haul.
It’s time to get creative
Before the pandemic, the thought of calling someone we liked filled some of the younger people with dread. This year, the number of people who don’t mind going on a date on Zoom, chatting on FaceTime, or sending a voice message on Instagram to a potential partner has increased significantly. What could be sexier than hearing your date’s velvet timbre?

Plus, talking on the phone or video chatting helps you get closer when it’s hard to meet in person. Long live technology! I also had a few online dates during this period. Of course, it doesn’t feel the same. But the list of activities you can do on them is endless: you can watch a movie – through special programs or just share the screen in Zoom.
You can drink wine and talk. You can also look at your old photos from 2008 together and make fun of your appearance. Or take a virtual walk on Google Earth, taking in the panoramas of your favorite sites. At the end of the date, you can also “walk” your partner home.
Sexting is more hip than ever
2020 became known as the Year of Sexting and in 2021 it keeps going still. Covid-19 reinforced the connection between sex and technology because we need some kind of interaction even if we are quarantined at home.
Lots of people don’t mind indulging themselves and their partner in phone or video chat sex before they meet their sweetheart in real life, especially if you’ve been in touch for a long time. It may have been taboo territory in the past, but today it’s a perfectly normal part of dating, so get rid of your shyness – it’s time to talk a little dirty. If the person agrees to it, of course.
Final Thoughts
This year and a half have proven to us that we are all unsinkable daters. People all over the world continue to meet and date even now. No matter where we are in the world, we won’t let this challenging time get in the way of our personal happiness. We still want the butterflies to float in our stomachs after a first date, feel the joy of bonding – and most importantly, the chance to discuss it all with friends when life gets back to normal.