Generally I tend to prefer dating website-based services to apps, maybe I’m just old fashioned that way. But I also try to stay in touch with the latest trends in the industry and try out many different products on a daily basis. That is how I ran into Hily.
I won’t be talking a lot about it right now, maybe I will make a proper review post later, suffice it to say that it has many obvious flaws and has absolutely no business being in the free apps category at all, its free functionality is nonexistent and the business model questionable at best.

What left me wondering was why such an app holds a very high score in the Google Play Market for Android apps, despite being mediocre. High ratings mean more exposure to people, I do not doubt for a second that most people have tried out an app cause of its rating at one point or the other.
So I gathered some data, looked into it, and came to a rather obvious conclusion – the rating system was being manipulated. You can read about my findings