
Bumble, the Dating App Where Women Make the First Move, is Rolling Out a New Feature For Men

Bumble, the Dating App Where Women Make the First Move

Bumble has long been known as the dating app where women make the first move and send the first message. This innovative approach empowered women and revolutionized online dating. Now, Bumble announced a new feature that allows men to start the conversation and message women first. This new feature is set to change the dynamics …

Key Findings From The 2023 Online Romance Scams Research Report

Romance Scams

The advent of the internet and the proliferation of online dating platforms have revolutionized the way we forge romantic relationships. Yet, they’ve also opened the floodgates to a new form of fraud: online romance scams. The 2023 Online Romance Scams Research Report, conducted through a systematic review of cases from 2000 to 2023, including a …

US warns About Eight Suspicious Deaths in Colombia Linked to Dating Apps Usage

Dating Apps

The US Embassy has recently raised alarms over eight suspicious deaths in Colombia, highlighting the risks associated with the use of online dating apps. These incidents, occurring in areas like Medellin, Bogota, and Cartagena, have sparked concerns among US citizens and foreign visitors. The embassy warns that criminals use dating apps not only to lure …

A New Federal Bill Сan Force Dating Apps to Alert Users to Potential Fraud

There are over 40 million Americans who use dating apps or online dating services, and this leaves room for potential scams. Since dating app companies don’t perform background checks, users have to decide if it’s comfortable to meet up with someone they’re interested in. While online dating or using an app, however, it is important …

Global Online Dating Services Market 2023-2028 Overview

Dating Services

There is a constant evolution and upgrading in the global online dating services market size. New strategies are frequently introduced by key players to stay ahead of the competition. The majority of firms are focusing their social media advertising efforts on growing their market size.  By entering a new market size themselves or collaborating with …

Nagoya Woman Arrested Selling Manuals to Defraud “Sugar Daddies”

Sugar Daddies

Woman Arrested for Selling Manuals to Scam Sugar Daddies It seems that every few weeks brings with it a strange story out of the online dating scam world. Today’s story is certainly a bit unexpected. A woman in Nagoya, Japan, was recently arrested after being suspected of selling a guide helping people to defraud “sugar …